Friday, 3 June 2011

Accommodation. Living at the school.

Our first apartment within a university campus.  Ours was right up the top, way up 104 steps.

Many jobs offer you accommodation on the site of the school.  This is usually free and they should give you a fully furnished flat ready for you to move in with your clothes.  I have had good and bad experiences with this, but the problem is you usually don't know until you get there. Whatever you get be prepared for the fact that this is not Australia, USA or England.  Some apartments are very nice, but sometimes it can be a bit like glorified camping.

Check out the heating and cooling facilities.  You will have a western toilet, although it is possible there will be no western toilets in the school area for you to use during teaching time.  Be prepared for some lightning visits home or using the students toilets if you have a Woolworths bladder.

If you can get pictures of your accommodation before you go that's good.  You can check it out.  Whatever you get, you can bet your boots it is up stairs, and probably with  no elevator.  Be prepared to lug bags, groceries, school bags and books up a million stairs over the time you are there.  If there are other foreign teachers you will probably all be together in a block of apartments.  That's good, you have company.  If no others live on site, you will be on your own for weekends, holidays, days off, nights and any other 'out of school' time.

There is a common saying amongst foreign teachers...."This is China!".  Be prepared for what  you have been told to expect, and also be prepared for surprises.  Treat the whole thing as a game, a life changing experience and you will be fine.

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